
  • Cahya Trika Universitas Nusa Putra
  • Sudin Saepudin Universitas Nusa Putra

Kata Kunci:

Enterprise Architecture, Zachman Framework, RS Sekarwangi canteen


The rapid development of information technology has affected human business activities in the business sector. An important strategy in dealing with the development of information technology is the use and improvement of information system support for companies. The importance of an integrated data within the company is called enterprise. The existence of data that is neatly arranged in one data source that is managed is the goal of the Company's development, so that to realize this requires strategy and planning. The Sekarwangi Hospital canteen is one of the facilities in Sekarwangi Hospital, where the canteen still uses manual sales data processing, and the reports themselves are still recorded in a book which is then collected every month. The result is an increased risk of data loss, inefficient calculation of sales reports, and time-consuming processing of sales data. Based on these problems, it is necessary to find the right solution for the problem at hand. Therefore, it is necessary to design a sales information system architecture using the Zachman Framework method. Where this method can provide convenience in managing data and sales reports. Where the development of technology is growing rapidly. Information technology is widely used for everyday purposes and can cover various fields. Design is needed in the manufacture or development of a system so that it is easy to use and useful. This framework consists of a two-dimensional classification matrix that is built from a combination of several general questions, namely What, Where, When, Why, Who and How and by using Enterprise Architecture, companies will be able to more easily organize their companies and have a clear vision of how the company will be run. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that this research resulted in a system design for food and beverage sales transactions using the Zachman Framework to make it more well structured. The design of food and beverage sales transactions is expected to be able to help Sekarwangi Hospital visitors in buying food and drinks without having to queue long and can assist officers in serving goods purchases effectively.


